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The Surrender of an Empire

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"In the study of every event there is to be considered – the nature and force of the attack and the organization of the defence. Great Britain has now been at war continuously for 16 years, first with Pan - Germanism and later with Bolshevism."

Veritas Books: The Surrender of an Empire N.Webster


“The time has come to turn our attention to the quality of the defence. Superbly organized, as the attack has been throughout, how long could it have been maintained, if adequate resistance have been put up at the outset? Could Bolshevism have been nipped in the bud, in 1918, as the Netherlands Minister demanded, and as everyone at that date thought it must be before long? In France the violence of the first great Revolution had spent itself in the first five years; in ten years, Napoleon had taken the tormented country in an iron hand and stamped out – temporarily at any rate - the smouldering embers of the class war. Yet though for thirteen years we have been told incessantly that the Soviet regime is tottering to its fall, the despots of the Kremlin still hold sway over a helpless people, the dreaded Cheka still tracks down its victims far beyond the Russian borders, and blood still flows in village streets where luckless peasants dare to defend their property and the symbols of their faith. Unhappy Russia has produced no Napoleon, and in this mass attack on civilization only one country has produced a man capable of grappling with the invading force of Bolshevism and of freeing his country from its deadly power."


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