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Truth About New Zealand (A.N.Field)

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A. N. Field presents in his ‘Truth’ surprising secret history of New Zealand with fact and instance, describing the forces ceaselessly spinning the Dominion’s web of debt. And presents the possibility of preventing ultimate bankruptcy and enslavement.

Veritas Books: Truth About New Zealand A.N.Field


It is an unquestionable fact that the power of international finance was enormously increased in consequence of the piling up of debt during the European War of 1914-18, and it is also unquestionable that this concentration of financial power has been accompanied by an increased degree of economic and political instability throughout the world. In every country the liberties of the people have been encroached upon, their possession of property is less secure, and the colossal abstractions of the international usurers have already stripped millions of people of what little they ever owned. How much New Zealand can do in the way of freeing itself from the clutches of international finance, we shall never know until we try. One thing is certain, and that is that the interconnections between international finance and Socialism and Communism are such as to make Socialist Government a most dangerous Government under present conditions. The readiness of the present Ministry to farm out monopolistic rights to do business in New Zealand to outside concerns backed by giant finance speaks for itself. Nor is the National Party in better case, composed as it is of political elements with a record of perpetual submission to predatory financial interests. Politics based on unrealities can only lead us further into the morass.

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