The Pedigree of Ideas:
"Although it is necessary to look backwards to maintain continuity with the past, this becomes urgent only with a view to carrying a living policy into the future."
Special Offer: Twenty to thirty years in politics can make all the difference in the world to the direction of political parties as a review of these videos so dramatically demonstrate. Yes, yes, we know politicians tailor their presentation to their audience and Alexander Downer, former Liberal politician was no exception. After watching the DVDs, Liberals should be asked when did their Party change their philosophical beliefs so dramatically, and wouldn’t it be more correct to refer to the current Liberal policies as deriving from those of Neocon-Corporate-Fascism?Price: Set of 4 DVDs for $35 inc. p/h.
All relevant to what is happening to Australia today
1. Alexander Downer "Our Christian Heritage at Risk"
2. Bevan O'Regan "Your Council the Target"
3. Eric D. Butler "The Fabian Idea Throughout History"
4. Geoff McDonald "Red Over Black"