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Spectre Of Power
(M. Reed)

$ 14.00 each
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This may be the strangest book you will ever read! This is the story of a man who, although never charged, has been tried, convicted, and condemned by the media at the behest of the Zionists and with the cooperation of the government.

Veritas Books: Spectre Of Power M. Reed


“Spectre of Power” outlines the increasing THOUGHT CONTROL, to which we are being subjected, and pleads with Christians everywhere to work together to throw off this yoke of mental and spiritual slavery, and to establish, by God's Grace, the Kingship of Christ in Society. My accusers used the government's refusal to charge me, to wring concessions from them, which will contribute to the de-Christianization of our Society. This book is my defense against accusations of hate-mongering, but it is much more. It tells how an overwhelming majority of the population is allowing a well-financed and dedicated minority to use fear, guilt, and greed to undermine our Christian heritage and Faith, and to destroy our children's birthright.

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