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Papacy & Freemasonry
(Monseigneur Jouin)

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The deliberately planned fusion of CHRISTIANITY and TALMUDIC JUDAISM (father of Freemasonry and "kindred Secret Societies"), in its swift surge to completely obliterate Christianity, is becoming so alarming to informed, Militant Catholics, that the necessity for reprinting the great speech of Monseigneur Jouin is urgently needed, to be spread among the Faithful. The scholarly late Msgr. Jouin, founder of the "Revue International des Societies Secretes" and world authority on Jewish history and objectives; knew the necessity for exposing these facts in defense of Christianity.

Veritas Books: Papacy Freemasonry Monseigneur Jouin


In all his masterly works he showed the Judeo-Masonic peril to Christianity and reiterated the golden VOICE of the SUPREME PONTIFFS, to awaken SLEEPING CATHOLICS. The Vatican formally praised him for this' work of enlightment as far back as June 20, 1919 in a letter signed by Cardinal Gasparri, Papal Secretary of State and "he was accorded the Apostolic Blessing. The reprinted speech of Msgr Jouin takes on new meaning in view of the current rush of Priests and Religious who are eager to accept Judeo-Masonic "BROTHERHOOD" awards, Grants and Political favors. No longer can the alerted laity remain silent to the HERESY of INTERFAITH (including JUDEO-CHRISTIANITY) that is being perpetrated in DEFIANCE of the often repeated infallible Encyclicals of Our Great Popes. Pope Clement XII gives the Pontiffs' command in unmistakable terms, which EVEN TO THE UNINFORMED, cannot be misinterpreted': "We have resolved and decreed to condemn and forbid such Societies, assemblies, reunions, conventions, aggregations or meetings called either Freemasonic or known under some other denomination. WE CONDEMN AND FORBID THEM BY THIS OUR PRESENT CONSTITUTION, WHICH IS TO BE CONSIDERED VALID FOREVER."

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