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Politics of Guilt and Pity

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What is the almost irrational behavior of modern man: the widespread psychosomatic sickness, gambling, alcoholism, drug addiction, the wave of do-good-ism, the condoning of crimes and lawlessness? Are these devices of masochism and self-atonement.

Veritas Books: Politics of Guilt and Pity RJ.Rushdoony


Man has trampled God's laws under foot.

In doing so he has misused himself and trampled on the God-given rights of his fellowman. He is conscious of his guilt, and seeks self-justification through self-atonement. The author, Rousas J. Rushdoony, makes it perfectly clear that there is only one way of escape from the present slough of despair. It is in turning in heartfelt repentance to God, who has already provided atonement in the sacrifice of His Son. And true repentance includes a return to the doing of God's will as revealed in God's Word.


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