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The Church and Farming
(Rev. Denis Fahey)

$ 6.00 each
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We must recognize that one of the causes of the disequilibrium and confusion of world economy, affecting civilization and culture, is undoubtedly the distaste and even contempt shown for rural life with its numerous and essential activities. But does not history, especially in the case of the fall of the Roman Empire, teach us to see in this a warning symptom of the decline of civilization?

Veritas Books: The Church and Farming Rev. Denis Fahey


It cannot be too often repeated, how much the work of the land, generates physical and moral health, for nothing does more to brace the system than this beneficent contact, with nature, which proceeds directly from the hand of the Creator. The land is not a betrayer; it is not subject to the fickleness, the false appearances, or the artificial and unhealthy attractions of the grasping city. Its stability, it’s wise and regular course, the enduring majesty of the rhythm of the seasons are so many reflections of the Divine attributes.

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