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The Conspiracy of Truth - W.D.Chalmers

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For two reasons I consider it a great honour to write a brief preface to a wonderful booklet. Mr. Bill Chalmers, both by talent and experience as head of Religious Programmes of the SABC/TV has an exceptional ability to write in a clear and concise way. He has a fluent and very gripping style. Even when dealing with problems like Communism and the survival of Christianity, he succeeds in holding the attention of every reader. He has that rare gift to fascinate. For this very reason his booklet promises to be very interesting and enjoyable reading. He not only knows what he is writing about but he puts his ideas across in a most delightful manner. It is not only how he writes, but what he writes, that makes this booklet so vitally important. Everybody knows something about the dangers of Communism, and that the forces of Communism are on our borders, but few know and realize, that with intelligence and assurance, what the Christian’s response to Communism should be.

Mr. Chalmers not only diagnoses but gives the only remedy for the disastrous epidemic of this century. His book is a wonderful and effective complement to what the ex-Communist leader wrote years ago: “Communism is what happens when men in the name of mind free themselves from God.”  Dealing with one of our most vital problems today, the survival of Christianity, he writes not in cliches and does not use the ordinary arguments but in a most convincing manner, he goes to the heart of the matter. His way of handling the problem is so fresh and inspiring that he captivates the reader.

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