The struggle is now a global struggle and must soon be resolved one way or the other. For its resolution in favour of freedom it is necessary that people have at least a minimal awareness of the real nature of the struggle, for with knowledge comes hope.
The twelve lectures in this booklet were originally published as a correspondence course - "A Second Course on Social Credit" and were based on the lecture notes of the advanced Social Credit course conducted in Liverpool by the "Anti-Debt League," in the early 1960's. In 1985, after some further editing they were published in booklet form by The Gild of St. George and distributed to subscribers to "Liverpool Newsletter." The first three lectures in the study course covered some fairly elementary economic associations and the relevance of these to the Social Credit. It is hoped that this new publication by the Australian Heritage Society will bring a greater understanding, among those already familiar with its monetary aspects, of the wider relevance of Social Credit to the contemporary world. - Anthony Cooney, 2007, Liverpool, U.K.