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A Trial on Trial (L. Dennis & M. St George)

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The book provides a provocative analysis of the 2nd World War’s most sensational domestic political trial and an exposure of the sinister anti-libertarian, internationalist forces behind it. This book is about the Mass Sedition Trial of 1944, one of the worst fiascos in the annals of American jurisprudence. It is not about the defendants, their views or their activities. It explains the Trial.

Veritas Books: A Trial on Trial L. Dennis M. St George


The explanation why this celebrated Trial lasted so long and proved such a farce can be briefly and simply stated as follows: the evidence the evidence did not fit the law or the charge; no law could have been found in this country which penalized the utterances, writings and propaganda activities of the accused. To please political and minority pressure groups the people behind the Trial and the Roosevelt administration, making a bid for their votes and support, Wanted a mass propaganda Trial “a la Moscow” against a selected number of persons whose political ideas they wished to suppress. The big idea was, by means of such a trial to identify in the public mind Nazism and the Nazi regime with native American isolationism, with opposition to American entry into the war and with attacks on the internationalist policies which got America into two world wars in twenty-three years.

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