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Anne Frank’s Diary

Common price: $ 25.00 Our price: $ 9.90 each
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“It is with mixed feelings that we present here the first real expose ever undertaken on “The Diary of Anne Frank.” From having been positive to the diary our standpoint gradually changed to the negative until we finally had to dismiss the whole thing as a forgery.”

Veritas Books: Anne Franks Diary D.Felderer


“The question now came up: Should we keep silent or tell the world about our discoveries? Perhaps the lie after all did some good? Did it not expose Hitler and his Nazi Germany? Was it not useful in giving Jews their own homeland in Palestine? Did not her case give us the feeling Jews had the right to evict the Palestinians? Did not Anne symbolize the persecuted Jewish child? Was not in fact the whole Holocaust propaganda built up on the diary? However, the truth prevailed. We have found no other choice but give to the world that which we have found. Truth and propriety must stand above everything else. If truth is destroyed our earth is on the brink of collapse. The environment is built on truth. Truth should have nothing to fear. And so we present our study to the reader. The colossal hoax surrounding the Anne Frank diary is so immense, the implications so profound that mankind must find out about it. It is our solemn wish that mankind, through our exposure will be inspired to keep fighting for truth no matter whom it might hurt.”

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