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You Can’t Die for the Life of You

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“I decided to write this book to illustrate that survival of the human personality has nothing to do with any faith, religion or church, that it is part of the laws of nature. It is as universal as the law of gravity. We cannot die for the life of us!” - R.G.Anderson

Veritas Books: You Cant Die for the Life of You R.G.Anderson


“The implications of death and a funeral can generate an epiphany in people's lives. Tears shed may not only be for the dead, but also for the self and one's cumulative losses over the years. The funeral or death are paramount in our death-denying society where people are reminded of their own mortality and the significance of their own inevitable death, they are brought face to face with their own faith, or lack of it. Today, much of the mythology of Christianity is being challenged. At Christmas 2007, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, described the Christmas story of the three wise men as nothing but a "legend" and said not all followers must believe in the virgin birth of Jesus. He described as rubbish the story of how a star rose in the sky and stood still to guide the wise men to Jesus' birthplace; "stars simply don't behave like that." Dr Williams said there was little evidence that the three wise men even existed; certainly, nothing to prove they were kings. Obviously, such stories are being at least questioned, if not exposed, for what they are. I finally decided to write this book to illustrate that survival of the human personality has absolutely nothing to do with any faith, religion or church, that it is part of the laws of nature. It is about as universal as the law of gravity. In short, we cannot die for the life of us, even if we want to! “

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