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Setting the Record Straight
(Letters by Political Prisoner Ernst Zundel)

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A true hero of the Holocaust Revisionist movement, Ernst Zundel, languishes in a Canadian jail, in solitary confinement, denied many of the basic privileges for his outspoken opposition to the official Zionist version of World War II.

Veritas Books: Setting the Record Straight Letters by Political Prisoner Ernst Zundel


Zundel was kidnapped by U.S. INS agents (Immigration and Naturalization Services, now part of Homeland Security) in February of 2003 on the pretext of having missed a scheduled appointment and spirited off to Canada, where he resided for 42 years. He faces deportation to Germany and a long prison term, because in Germany it is against the law to contradict the Jewish version of precisely what happened during World War II. In his Canadian prison ordeal, Zundel is not allowed to hear the evidence against him, who the witnesses are, or even what the accusations are. This procedure, permitted by Canadian ANTI TERRORISTlegislation, cancels the basic right under Anglo-Saxon common law of the defendant to know the charges against him, to face his accusers, and to challenge their evidence in order to make a full and complete defense. Canadian authorities allege that Zundel, while not personally violent, is a terrorist and supports serious acts of violence in Canada or abroad. Ernst Zundel, an award-winning artist and videographer, was Canada's best-known revisionist. For publishing a slim booklet entitled Did Six Million Really Die?' he was twice put on trial and convicted on a charge of spreading "false news."


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