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Storming the Gates of Hell
(Des Griffin)

$ 22.00 each
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As the United States races at breakneck speed towards the end of the twentieth century, our once great nation finds itself floundering in the midst of an immense storm-ravaged ocean of crime, debauchery, human decadence, purposelessness, and debt.

Veritas Books: Storming the Gates of Hell Des Griffin


In a flight of national insanity unparalleled in the annals of human history, our leaders have in recent decades systematically sabotaged our ship of state and thrown overboard the guide book, the compass, and the anchors that were instrumental in guiding us with spectacular success since our initial launching in 1776. Truly, there is no soundness to be found from the top of our heads to the soles of our feet. There are only "wounds and bruises, and putrefying sores, they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified ointment" (Isaiah 1:6).

As our sick society plummets ever closer to its doom, a cacophony of conflicting voices cry out in the midst of the raging storm of confusion vying at every point of the compass for our attention. The masses tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine, first have their hopes raised and then dashed amidst the babble of bewilderment that presently dominates the American scene. Most people, with a reckless attitude of "posterity be damned," have thrown aside the few strands of morality and personal responsibility that remain in American society and plunged headlong into the smorgasbord of demonic delights with which they are surrounded. The churches which, in yesteryear, were the pillars upon which our productive, powerful, vibrantly alive, and immensely wealthy republic was built, have - in all too many cases - abandoned any semblance of sound moral and spiritual leadership. They have now degenerated into little more than social clubs; in services, members are entertained, but never trained to face reality and do battle with the enemy.

As was true in every great civilization of the past, there are those few dauntless souls, who brave the scorn and ridicule of their shipmates; they "cry aloud and spare not," they warn of imminent peril if our ship's course is left uncontrolled and its crew unchecked. Except in rare cases such cries of alarm fall on deaf ears.

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