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Who Shall Inherit the Earth?
(A. T. Culwick)

$ 3.00 each
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In this his latest book, the Author of the best-selling ‘Britannia Waives the Rules’, ‘Back to the Trees’ and ‘Don't Feed the Tiger’ - A. T. Culwick, examines the behaviour and future prospects of mankind.

Vritas Books: Who Shall Inherit the Earth A. T. Culwick


It is a subject that many view with grave foreboding, as they contemplate the near-chaotic conditions in much of the world around them - the population explosion and the consequently mounting threat of famine, the prospect of atomic war and mass annihilation, the breakdown of moral codes, which convince the pessimists, that Man has no chance at all and is on his way out. But the Author is no pessimist. Bringing his lifetime's study in the physical, social and biological sciences to bear, he discusses in simple language, the situation, in which that extraordinarily adaptable species – man - finds himself. He points out how Man can adapt to new conditions in two ways. First, by changing the environment to suit himself and (secondly) by changing himself to suit the environment. In the past he has used both methods for dealing with threats to his existence, and he will undoubtedly continue to use them in coming to terms with the future - or rather.

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