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A preface to the 2007 reprint contributed by Edward Rock: Among the essays inherited from Douglas, ‘The Realistic Position of the Church of England‘ must be ranked as the most important for it deals with the exercise of constitutional power. Power, which is concerned to restrain any contrary form of power, seeking destruction of the Kingdom of God located by Christ as resident within each and every individual human being. In the battle for Christian civilisation the Christian Church is the one institution that can act as the final reference point opposing inordinate power used to make society subject to those obsessed with the lust for power. Christ clarified the issue, "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's." Mark 12:17, a companion statement to Christ's assertion in Matthew 28:18:20 - "All power in heaven and in earth is given unto me" with the accompanying injunction to his Church, ”G0 ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them into the name Of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. "

When the Christian Church renders unto God the power that comes to man from God there will be very little, if any meaningful power, left for Caesar, of the power of an obedient servant. The main power Caesar now claims is in the earthly trinity of Politics, Economics and Finance, which is power corrupted by party executives corrupting the conscience of party members, an evil which has destroyed freedom with responsibility in our parliaments without one word of protest from the Christian Church. A Church baptized into the power of the Holy Trinity would never countenance present day party politics. It would teach: power agreed to by two or more individuals must be by consent, not by imposition. A pure incorruptible exercise of free will by those taught "all things whatsoever I have commanded you”.

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