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A New Britannia in the Southern Seas
(Eric D. Butler)

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Those of us who were fortunate enough when young to have teachers who taught us about the achievements of our pioneering forefathers, will recall the names of Wentworth, Blaxland and Lawson the explorers who were first to find a way over* the Blue Mountains from Sydney and to allow the struggling new settlement of New South Wales to expand westward. But Wentworth was more than an explorer; like many others involved in the development of the young British colony, he was a visionary. He visualized the establishment of “A New Britannia In The Southern Seas.”

Veriras Books: A New Britannia in the Southern Seas Eric D. Butler


At a time when the previous unity of the British world has been badly fractured, and Western Civilisation, of which Australia is a part, displays all the signs of being gripped with a death wish, Australians must face the question of what is their future. No nation can survive into the future unless it goes back to its roots. Now as never before, Australians of all backgrounds need to be reminded that Australia’s political, constitutional, cultural and spiritual roots are in the British Isles. Cut those roots and Australia is left without the very source of life; it has no future as a free and independent nation, and must die.

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