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Freemasonry, Humanum Genus
(Pope Leo XIII)

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How does Masonry agree with and how does it differ from Paganism?
What is the true teaching of the origin of human society?
Are States as well as individuals bound to honor and worship God?

Veritas Books: Freemasonry Humanum Genus Pope Leo XIII


Whatever the future may be, it is OUR present duty to stem the evils of Masonry. Our best remedy is in that divine religion, which is hated and feared by the masonic sect. So whatever Our Predecessors have decreed against Masonry, and whatever they have enacted to deter or withdraw men from secret societies of this kind, We ratify and confirm by all Our Apostolic authority. And We plead with all Christians not to depart in the least from what the Apostolic See has commanded in this matter. We ask Our fellow-bishops to join With Us in Our efforts to rid the State of this poison which is creeping through its veins. We ask the bishops, each in his own diocese, first to unmask Masonry and let it be seen for what it is. In sermons and pastoral letters the people should be taught the deceits used by these secret societies to entice men into their ranks. Their evil theories and actions should be pointed out. What Our Predecessors have said, We repeat: Let no Catholic become a Freemason if he values his Faith and his eternal salvation. Let no man be deceived by any pretense on the part of the lodges. If it seems that they demand nothing that is contrary to religion and morality, it must be realized that the principles and objects of these secret societies are vicious and criminal, and so it is unlawful to join them or help them in any way.

There is need too of giving the people by sermons and writings a better knowledge of the teachings of their Faith, so that they will be protected against the assaults of error. Clergy and laity should unite in deepening their knowledge of and love for the Church. Thus equipped they will not be deceived by the appeal of the secret societies.

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