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Immigration the Silent Invasion

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Socialists from Rousseau through Karl Marx to Franz Boaz have advanced the theory that all men are equal. They have equal rights before the law, but that is all. In every other way they are unequal, and public examination of sporting activity would prove this. Socialists claim that people differ only because of differing opportunities and training. To them man is merely a complex system of chemical substances composed of various elements, he is the creature of his environment, and his personality and ability are the expression of conditioned reflexes from the cradle to the grave.

On the other hand brilliantly clever people — Eysenck, Jensen, Carlton Coon, Carlton Putnam and Shockley (a Nobel Prize winner for inventing the transistor) have shown that the mental activity of people from different racial groups varies when tested for Logical Analysis, Abstract Reasoning, Visual Motor Task Tests and Kynesthetic Reaction and furthermore no matter how complex the tests are made, the differences in score found in the tests, are always present.

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