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Social Credit - Economics
(A. Cooney)

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This re-publication in booklet form by the Australian Heritage Society is hoped to serve as an introduction to Social Credit for a new generation becoming increasingly aware of the dichotomy between debt-money and the progress of the industrial arts.

Veritas Books: Social Credit Economics A. Cooney


The twelve lectures in this pamphlet originated, in 1956, as notes for a study course, ‘Money, Society and the Debt System’, conducted by The Anti-Debt League, a Social Credit association based on Merseyside. In 1959 the lecture notes were edited and published as ‘A First Course in Social Credit’, to complement the study course. In 1960 they were established as a correspondence course under the direction of the late Ray Gradwell. In 1985, after some further editing they were published in pamphlet form by The Gild of St. George and distributed to subscribers to "Liverpool Newsletter." In this new edition the chapter on the "A+B Theorem” expounds the technical aspects of Social Credit and enhances the content of the booklet. It is hoped that this re-publication in booklet form by the Australian Heritage Society will serve as an introduction to Social Credit for a new generation becoming increasingly aware of the dichotomy between debt-money and the progress of the industrial arts. - Anthony Cooney, Liverpool, U.K. 2006

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