
Bondage Of The Free, Critical Examination Of The Misnamed ’Civil Rights’

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Spans 100 years from Lincoln to LBJ along the civil rights trail exposing the shocking story of Southern Reconstruction, where civil rights was born. Separates real from the unreal about Negroes, prejudice, politics and social customs.

Veritas Books: Bondage Of The Free Critical Examination Of The Misnamed Civil Rights K.F.Steffgen


Using the freed Negro as the key to their political fortunes, opportunists and fortune hunters turned the American dream into a horrifying nightmare, for the white and Negro alike, after the Civil War, and produced an about-face in the American two-party system, all under the disarming phrase, “Rights for the Negro!” Here is the frightening report of the United States, caught in the build-up of a Second Reconstruction, as a new generation of radicals makes ready for another go at power, using as their plan, the most diabolic betrayal in the nation’s history. “The Bondage Of The Free” offers a broad exposure of America’s most explosive domestic issue; critical yet objective; written with one eye on politics, the other on American social customs.

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