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Pawns In The Game (W.G.Carr)

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WILLlAM GUY CARR, R,D, COMMANDER R.C.N. (Born: June 2, 1895, Died: October 2, 1959) Commander Carr had a distinguished naval career, he served in both World Wars. At the early age of twelve, he was thoroughly indoctrinated into the Bolshevik ideology by two revolutionary missionaries, who travelled on the same ship with him out to the Orient in 1907. Unlike many others he didn't swallow the bait they offered him 'Hook, Line, and Sinker.'

Pawns In A Game W.G.Carr


He decided to keep an open mind, and to investigate matters thoroughly, before reaching any conclusions. His investigations and studies of all angles of the International Conspiracy have taken him to nearly every country in the world. Commander Carr’s name is well known to many Canadians, who have attended his public lectures or read his books. He toured Canada for the Canadian Clubs in 1930-31. He warned people of the existence of an International Conspiracy. He foretold that the conspirators would, unless checked, drag the world in another Global War. In the years between 1931 and 1939 he addressed Social and Service Clubs all over Ontario. In 1944 and 1945 he was sent on another lecture tour of Canada by The Naval authorities. He explained why it would be necessary to win the Peace, if the fruits of military victory were not to be thrown away again.

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