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The Money Trick

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"The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative of Government, but it is the Government's greatest creative opportunity". It is also Australia's greatest "creative opportunity". The time for effective action is NOW!

Veritas Books: The Money Trick


"The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative of Government, but it is the Government's greatest creative opportunity"-Abraham Lincoln. It is also Australia's greatest "creative opportunity". Yet we have centralized our small population into a situation where 80% live in stressed metropolitan areas. We are denuding rural Australia of its population. We have destroyed much of our farming and manufacturing, sold many of our assets into foreign ownership, and maintain an artificial standard of living by an excess of imports over exports through a Foreign Debt. Many covetous global eyes are on Australia's assets. The question is, do we have the fortitude to keep what we own? If we do not have the courage to reclaim our financial sovereignty, we will lose our political and economic sovereignty. Our children will subsist in a land that does not belong to them. Nations can survive crises for a surprising period of time. But small evils become big evils, and finally the combination of evils aggregate to a point where they increase exponentially, spinning out of control. Even establishment elites, which believe themselves invulnerable, lose control. This is now happening in many parts of the world. Wars are fought and millions starve to death. Companies and states go bankrupt. Apathy disappears as people are forced to confront their own misery. They either become violent, in some cases revolutionary; or they develop a vision and begin to seek it together. Such a moment approaches Australia. On which side will you be: that of violence or that of vision?

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