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The New World Order
(P. Robertson)

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The "coup" began in Russia on Monday, August 19, 1991. By Wednesday, August 21, it had collapsed. The charismatic President of the Russian Federation, Boris Yeltsin, emerged as the leader, who had defeated the ‘gang of eight’.

Veritas Books: The New World Order P. Robertson


Author P. Robertson: My work on the manuscript of The New World Order was completed, the final proofs had been checked, and the book was essentially on the presses, when the first satellite reports flashed on the monitors in our CBN broadcast center, with the news that Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev had been overthrown in a coup led by the KGB, the Soviet Army, and the secret police. His hand-picked vice-president, Gennady Yanayev, had been named by the hardliners to head their revolutionary government. But as suddenly as it all happened, this action was not entirely unexpected. Despite his popularity abroad, Gorbachev had been becoming increasingly unpopular at home. Some said he had walked too long on the razor's edge of compromise, but there were other possibilities. At his side was none other than Gorbachev's longtime ally, Eduard Shevardnadze, the former Soviet foreign minister and a former head of the interior ministry, the body, which controls the secret police. Shortly thereafter, word came that Gorbachev was returning to Moscow as the "constitutionally elected" head of a "Democratic Soviet Union." The observation made by CNN reporter Mary Tillotson that the president G. Bush’s "new world order” is back on track, now ‘stronger than ever’ was startling. And suddenly the perspective becomes clearer.

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