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Who Hold the Balance

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“In the short compass of this book I shall attempt no more than the briefest historical outline of the one-world conspiracy and the satanic forces behind it, appending at the end of each chapter a brief bibliography to which the interested reader may refer for fuller documentation and detail. The aim of this book is not so much the presentation of history as an analysis of the ‘MODUS OPERANDI’ OF THE CONSPIRACY, and THE NATURE OF THE PSYCHO-POLITICAL CONTROL BEING EXCERCISED OVER OUR MINDS AT THE MOMENT.” – Michael J. Hurry

Veritas Books: Who Hold the Balance M.J.Hurry


“The currently fashionable view of history is that a civilization attains a zenith, followed by an inevitable decline and decay. According to this theory some mysterious tide wells up under a people, lifting it to splendid heights of ethics, science, and culture, to ebb equally mysteriously and leave only a foul slime of corruption and decadence. What the tide is, how it manifests, where it comes from, nobody knows or cares. It is a convenient and glib half truth that falls easily from the lips of those unaccustomed to real thought. But what if the decay of a civilisation is not accidental, but the work of evil and malignant elements within the body politic itself? What if conscious direction and planning are behind the squalid collapse of virtue, decency, and goodness? As a possibility, or simply at this stage a speculative hypothesis, the concept deserves consideration. Many shy away from such an idea because it is too horrible to contemplate, or because evil of such magnitude is beyond the comprehension of those of us who desire no more than to live in ordinary kindness and harmony with our neighbours. But truth has no regard for our wishes and feelings. Truth is an absolute, inviolate in itself, and its pursuit our chief source of spiritual solace. Truth cannot be   destroyed, only smothered or obscured, or distorted by propaganda and brainwashing. The freedom of the human spirit to search for truth can never be suppressed. “

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