In this important work, Dr Sunic takes a detailed look at the European “New Right,” a significant intellectual movement of men and women who are concerned about he survival of the West. This book provides a survey of the New Right’s origin, impact and outstanding figures, and an overview of the theory of “revolutionary conservatism.”
A healthy enduring society, say New Right thinkers, must be based on the natural principles of hierarchy and aristocracy. Carl Schmitt, Oswald Spengler, Alain de Benoist, and the other leading figures of this intellectual current contend that egalitarianism – whether manifest in Marxism or in liberal democracy – inevitably leads to social decay and entropy. Dr Sunic has opened the door to a great but little known body of learning that directly addresses our current crisis, he found the richness of thought in scores of books and journals that are not even available in English. The most intriguing part is his account of the New Right’s critique of equality, ‘economism,’ and Judeo – Christianity, which, rather than secularism of the Enlightenment, it sees as a root of egalitarianism and universalism.