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Moral Implications of Centralised Power

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In the worship of bigness certain inevitable doubts take place. Power is drained from the individual and it is invested in the institutions over which the individual progressively exercises less and less control. As the institutions get bigger, and they are in turn amalgamated, so the individual possesses even less power. Real freedom is impossible in this situation, and here we get to the moral implications.

Veritas Books: Moral Implications of Centralised Power E.D.Butler


If true progress can only take place through moral growth, this means, in fact, free individuals, not only making choices, but individuals who accept personal responsibility for the choices they make. This is one of these fundamental truths that are being lost sight of today. It is the only way we grow in moral stature. By using our free will, by making choices, and standing by the choices we make. That is what differentiates the real free man from the slave.

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