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ED Butler Lectures

$ 27.50 each

A series of 8 Eric D. Butler Lectures with concluding questions.

...What is Social Credit? Most people, including many who call themselves Social Crediters,
would answer this question by saying that Social Credit is a monetary reform scheme. No
greater dis-service has been done to Social Credit than the persistent reference to it as merely
a Scheme for financial reform.

C.H. Douglas has made it clear time and time again that Social Credit is far more than a
monetary reform scheme. Speaking at Westminster in 1936 he said:

"As I conceive it, Social Credit covers and comprehends a great deal more than the
money problem. Important as it is, primarily because it is a question of priority, Social
Credit involves a conception, I feel a true conception... of the relationships between
individuals and their association in countries and nations, between individuals and
their association in groups."

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