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Social Dynamics Course

$ 27.50 each

The product consist of 2 DVDs and the booklet Social Dynamics.

Social Dynamics is the science of applying social power to social organisations in order that individuals may obtain the results they desire. Social power derives from the belief - faith - that individuals in society can in correct association get what they want...

...One of the basic principles of war is the necessity to secure a firmly-established base. The Free World cannot defend itself successfully, still less initiate any type of political, economic or psychological offensive against its enemies, unless it has a stable and secure base. This means nations with stable and successful social institutions. A successful social institution is one which the individual strongly supports because it serves his requirements. An unstable social structure provides Communists and other subversives with the opportunity of eroding the basis of the Free World. Once this erosion proceeds beyond a certain stage, resistance to subversion and policies of destruction becomes almost impossible.
An effective Free World defence system therefore requires much more than adequate military defence; it also involves all aspects of the Free World's political, economic, financial, social and constitutional systems. If these systems are being used to impose disruptive policies in a society, then it is the task of the trained Social Engineer to show his fellows how they can act to have these policies replaced by those which result in individual satisfaction and stability.

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