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Family Farming, A New Economic Vision

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Marty Strange cuts right to the value questions at stake in American agriculture. He compellingly argues that Americans do have a choice. We can choose an agriculture that is fair, humane, and sustainable-and economically viable as well.

Veritas Books: Family Farming A New Economic Vision M.Strange


Americans decry the decline of family farming but stand by helplessly as industrial farming takes over. “Family Farming” exposes the bias in American farm policies that irrationally encourages expansion-a bias evident in federal commodity programs, income-tax provisions, and subsidized credit services. Marty Strange challenges the assumption that bigger is better, critiques the technological base of modern agriculture, and calls for farming practices that are ethical, economical, and ecologically sound. The alternative policies discussed in this book could yet save the family farm. And the ways and means of saving it are argued here with special urgency. Marty Strange is a co-founder and co-director of the ‘Center for Rural Affairs’, he has written extensively on agricultural subjects.

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