All the great religions which have endured down the ages, were founded on the central belief that human existence, like everything else in the universe, is governed by immutable laws of cause and effect which the intelligence must discover and obey.
“It is almost a joke now in the Western world, in the 20th century, to use words like 'good' and 'evil'. They have become almost old-fashioned concepts, but they are very real and genuine concepts. These are concepts from a sphere, which is higher than us. And instead of getting involved in base, petty, short-sighted political calculations and games, we have to recognize that the concentration of World Evil and the tremendous force of hatred is there and it's flowing from there throughout the world. And we have to stand up against it and not hasten to give to it, give to it, give to it, everything that it wants to swallow.” Alexander Solzhenitzyn