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Boche and Bolshevik
(N.Webster, K.Kurlen)

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1922, 2 articles by Mrs Nesta Webster, entitled “Boche and Bolshevik” prompted Gen. Ludendorff to authorize Herr K. Kurlen to make some denials. Mrs Webster rebutted. The discussion is important in studying the causes of Great War and of Bolshevism.

Veritas Books: Boche and Bolshevik N.Webster K.Kurlen


The announcement of the Russo-German Treaty, which has burst like a bombshell on the British public, has certainly created no such surprise in Paris. For the French know their ‘boches’ as we shall never know them, and to them the understanding between Germany and Bolshevism has throughout been perfectly apparent. The secret ‘liaison’ has now been followed by a hasty marriage at a registry – that is all. A cause, which, has no doubt largely contributed to the misunderstanding of the situation in this country, is Ludendorf’s supposed confession, of which the apparent frankness deceived even official circles. In reality it was a triumph of duplicity, for a half-truth is often more misleading than a complete lie. “By sending Lenin to Russia, our Government had assumed a great responsibility. From a military point of view, his journey was justified, for Russia had to be laid low. But our Government should have seen to it that we also were not involved in her fall. “ (“My War Memories”)


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